Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall wooden plaques

I made these cute owl plaques last year for a crafting fair.    I bought the wooden plaques at Hobby Lobby.  These are the 7 by 9 ones.  You can buy them online at hobby lobby wood plaque  I painted the edges and backs of the plaques a burnt umber brown (paint also purchased at Hobby Lobby).  These plaques work out best if you first paint the front where the picture will be white.  I then printed the image onto fabric.  (if you iron fabric onto the shiny side of freezer paper, you can then cut it out to the size of computer paper and then print directly onto the fabric.)  

Once it was printed, I put it over the plaque with the freezer paper still attached and ran my thumb around the edges of the plaque thought the fabric and paper so I could figure out where I needed to cut so that the image would be centered right for the plaque.  Then I just cut along the edges I created.  After it was cut out to the shape of the plaque I peeled the freezer paper off of the fabric,  brushed some mod podge onto the front part of the plaque that I had previously painted white.  I smoothed it on and let it dry, and then I took a paint brush and dabbed it into a bit of the burnt umber paint and brushed from the edges onto the fabric, just on the edges to give the plaque an antique look.  When it was all finished and to my liking, I sprayed them with a sealant on both sides (drying thoroughly before turning over).

(I bought the owls clip art on Etsy at this store: peachpopsclipart   I then used my scrapbooking program (scrapbooking factory) to arrange them the way I wanted them to look when printed out.)

These ones were made using the same process.  But I found the images for these at  The Graphics Fairy  You can get tons of great free images there. 

These last ones were made using the same process, but I found these already cut out at a thrift store.  I painted them persimmon orange and added a stem and a bow.  I printed the image onto fabric and attached it with mod podge and then smudged a bit of black paint here and there around it and then sprayed it with sealant.  

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